Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day 20 in Puloly

Today was extremely satisfying. I didn't even step out of the "home" today. I spent my entire day with the kids.I was so happy when I thought that I survived being in a home for the whole day yet I was extremely thrilled.

We started off with rehearsals which I thought went really well. They were all cheering for each other as I kept saying they have to cheer and not jeer one another. Then I also made them shake hands like what happens in most sports competition and also showed them the heart of appreciation through our famous "HIP HIP HURRAY" song. lol. More than playing, I am more interested in them learning values and morals through sports.

I spent a lot of time recuperating, playing, teasing and getting teased by the kids today. It was amazing. I think that's what I needed. They were hugging and kissing me and they didn't let me go. Frankly speaking, this is the first time a let kids come so close to me but I let them do whatever they want because if they didn't cuddle up on me then who else will they cuddle up on. They don't have their parents to pamper them or their siblings to scold and play with them even. We are the only relations we have for them. Even during the war, the 7 and 8 year olds might have been neglected in the camps as the parents have other things to worry about.Singaporeans talk about how certain people have deprived childhood because they don't know what is Pokemon or watch Disney or whatsoever.Well, these kids here didn't even have what you call is almost as if, God had saved them from falling down the cliff and put them to where they are.

It was Sir's daughter's birthday today. So he specially ordered the kitchen people to make something special like a Falouda for the kids for tea time. It tasted like pink chendol. Lol. It was really simple and nice.

At night, I started the interviews as you would have already seen. Hmm...I think you can see for yourself what I feel..

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